Group 1 (Raido, Shiori, Yui, Ena, Sayaka, Akiya) – Heal Soul Brewery (Nishinomiya)
阪神西宮駅から南に徒歩10分。国道43号線沿いに1階がガラス張りのビルがそびえ立つ。そこには大きな銀色のタンクが見える。看板には「Heal Soul」の緑の文字と特徴のあるロゴ。2階へ続く階段を上ると、笑顔の男性が温かく迎え入れてくれた。今回伺った醸造所のオーナー、山本 将弘だ。案内されたタップバーはこぢんまりとして、白をベースにした家具に温かみのある照明がアットホームな雰囲気を作り出している。
山本が所属する株式会社ディーシーエスは、左野 徳夫を代表におく、1999年に設立されたコーヒー機器の輸入販売や製造、メンテナンスなどを行う会社だ。西宮に本社を構え、コーヒー製造の為の機械や豆など、農園からお客様の一杯になるまでの過程全てに関わり、サポートしている。本社の下にはカフェ「COFFEE HOUSE FIELD」を運営しており、お客様に近い経営スタイルを心がけている。そんな(株)ディーシーエスがクラフトビール市場に足を踏み入れたきっかけを山本はこう語る。「社長の佐野はクラフトビール/タップバーだと、コーヒーよりもお客様の声や要望を近くで聞き、その要望を商品に反映させることができるという想いでこの事業を始めた。」
ふと思った疑問をぶつけてみた。醸造家としての山本将弘とはどんなものか。彼はもともとはコーヒー部門で仕事をしていた。しかし、左野のからクラフトビールへの想い、新規事業への声がけもあり、クラフトビールの醸造を「Heal Soul」で始めることになった。元々ビールに関心はありつつも、醸造はこれがきっかけだった。現在、彼はHeal Soulの醸造家として現在販売しているビールの製作から、新商品の開発を行っている。そしてさらにクラフトビール業界へめり込んでいるとのこと。
2020年11月に開店初日を迎えた「Heal Soul」。醸造は8月より始めていたが、当時の雨や雷、暴風など環境による影響もみられたが、多くの時間や労力をかけて準備をし、開店に漕ぎつけたそうだ。名をこの店名に込めた想いは何なのか。「ここ数年間でコロナ禍やいろいろな悪い事情があって、みなさんの心も体も疲弊をしている世の中なので、ビールという飲み物で心、魂を癒せるような環境づくりがしたいということで「魂を癒す」=「Heal Soul」にした」と語ってもらった。
現在販売しているビールは市場でも人気の高いアメリカンスタイルだが、今後は新しいスタイルを取り入れることも検討しているそう。毎週5種類以上のビールが提供され、ベースの人気の種類は常時提供されている。また瓶でも販売をしており、持ち帰ることも可能だ。山本に思い入れのある商品を聞いてみた。「どれも自分の子供みたいなものだからどれも好きだけど、、、「hop shark」が一番初めに醸造したビールなので、思い入れという部分では「hop shark」かもしれないですね。」「Hop Shark」は3種類のホップを使ったビールで、定番メニューとしてお客様からも好評のあるビールだ。他にもSEA CLOUDSやRED SHARKなど個性あふれる名前の商品があり、どれも海を連想させるネーミングばかりだ。なぜ、このような名前にこだわったのか。これは開発時に西宮や地元の人から愛されるクラフトビール・ブランドを目指すという想いを込めた名前だそう。
実は名前だけではなく、瓶のラベルデザインにもこだわっている。西宮を連想させる和の波模様をロゴの背景を採用し、細部にまで西宮への想いを表現している。こだわりはビールだけでなく、フードにもある。 すじこんビール煮、トルティーヤチップス、プルドポーク、IPA、スパニッシュオムレツなど、他では見受けられないユニークな名前と特徴ある商品を揃えている。中でも、一番人気商品のすじこんビール煮は、ビールの定番のお供、すじこんを店頭で販売しているクラフトビールで長時間煮込んでおり、それをクラフトビールと食べるセットがお客様から非常に人気がある。もちろん、Heal Soulで扱っているサイドメニューは全て、ビールの味に合うもの(ビールのお供)をコンセプトに、商品を揃えているのである。Heal Soul はあくまでビールを楽しむ場所であり、そのビールを最大限楽しめるための独自のサイドメニューを考案している。そのため、今後は、お客様のニーズを知りながら、商品開発や商品入れかえを検討しており、需要にあったサービス提供を心がけているとのことだった。
次に外的環境に着目し、Heal Soulの客層について教えてもらった。6割が男性で40代が多い。来られる方の半分が西宮市内から来ているそうだ。現在店舗の情報発信はInstagramのみで行っており、一番お客様に近いプラットフォームで、素早く最新情報を届けられる点を気に入ってとのことだった。また、気軽によってもらえる場所にしたいということだったので、Z世代の使用率が高いSNSだが、一番適切な発信手段でないかと感じた。
Heal Soulは店舗経営だけでなく、様々な外部イベントにも参加している。その活動のいくつかを紹介したい。まずは「西宮酒ぐらルネサンスと食フェア」だ。ここでは阪神で有名な日本酒を製造する酒蔵や、他の酒メーカーなど多くの方が参加したイベントでとても刺激をもらったそうだ。「このイベントを通して、日本酒や西宮で活躍する諸先輩方のアルコール飲料に対する思いを受け継ぎながら、新たなジャンルを確立したいと考えた」と山本は話した。「西宮の名産品の一つとして認めてもらう、応援してもらえるビールのブランドの確立が目標だ」と同時に語ってくれた。その言葉を裏付けるかのように、彼らはふるさと納税にも出品を行っている。店頭でも常設している定番ビール3本セットを10,000円で販売している。他にも、西宮市にあるイチジク農家の松本農園のイチジクを使用したコラボビールえお開発し、店舗だけでなく阪急西宮のマルシェでも販売を行った。
「Heal Soul」は歴史は浅いものその名を地域に轟かしている。この場所が多くの世代の方が気軽に立ち寄れるような場所になりたい、そして、クラフトビールを西宮の名産品の一つとして認めてもらいたいという目標を掲げながら地域に密着した経営を引き続き行うと最後に語った。
Heal SoulはInstagramで随時情報公開をしているので、気になった方は是非チェックして欲しい。
10 minutes walking to south of Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. The first floor of the building on National Route 43 is made of glass. A large silver tank can be seen there. As we climbed the stairs to the second floor, we were warmly greeted by a smiling man. He was Masahiro Yamamoto, the owner of the brewery we visited this time. The tap bar we were shown around was small and cozy, with white-based furniture and warm lighting creating an at-home atmosphere.
DCS Corporation, to which Yamamoto belongs, was established in 1999 by Tokuo Sano as a company that imports, sells, manufactures, and maintains coffee machines. Headquartered in Nishinomiya, the company is involved in and supports the entire process of coffee production, from the farm to the customer’s cup of coffee, including machines and beans. The company operates a café, “Coffee House Field,” in its building, and strives to maintain a management style that is close to the customer. Yamamoto explained how DCS got involved in the craft beer market. President Sano started this business with the idea that a craft beer/tap bar would allow them to be closer to customers than a coffee shop, to listen to their feedback and requests, and to reflect those requests in their products.”
We asked a question that occurred to us. What is Masahiro Yamamoto like as a brewer? He originally worked in the coffee department. However, with Mr. Sano’s passion for craft beer and a call from him for a new business, he decided to start brewing craft beer at “Heal Soul”. Although he had always had an interest in beer, this was his first challenge into brewing. Now, as the brewer of Heal Soul, he is producing the beers that are currently available and developing new products. He is also getting more involved in the craft beer industry.
Heal Soul celebrated its first day of business in November 2020. Brewing had begun in August, but the environment at the time, including rain, lightning, and storms, influenced the brewery. However, they spent a lot of time and effort preparing for the opening. What is the thought that went into the name of the store? He told us, “In a world where people’s minds and bodies are exhausted due to the Corona disaster and various, and other bad circumstances over the past few years, we wanted to create an environment where people’s minds and souls could be healed with a drink called beer.
The beers they currently sell are American styles, which are popular in the market, but they are considering introducing new styles in the future. At least five different beers are offered each week in this tap bar, and the base popular varieties are always available. They are also sold in bottles and can be taken home. We asked Yamamoto what products he has a special place in his heart for. “I like them all because they are like my children,” he said, “but I think ‘Hop Shark’ is the first beer I brewed, so it’s probably ‘Hop Shark’ that I have a special place in my heart for.” Hop Shark is a beer made with three types of hops, and it is a regular menu item that is popular with customers. There are other products with unique names such as SEA CLOUDS and RED SHARK, all of which are named in a way that evokes the sea. Why did they insist on these names? This name was chosen at the time of development to express the company’s desire to create a craft beer brand loved by the people of Nishinomiya and the local community.
In fact, it is not just the name, but the label design of the bottle too. The background of the logo is a Japanese wave pattern reminiscent of Nishinomiya, expressing the company’s love for Nishinomiya in every detail. The attention to detail is not only in the beer, but in the food. The bar offers a variety of products with unique names and characteristics that cannot be found anywhere else, such as sujikon beer stew, tortilla chips, pulled pork, and Spanish omelets. The most popular item, the Sujikon Beer Braised Beer, is a set of the standard beer accompaniment, sujikon, braised for a long time with craft beer, which is sold in the store, and is very popular among customers. Of course, Heal Soul’s side dishes are all based on the concept of “beer accompaniments,” and since Heal Soul is a place to enjoy beer, the bar has developed its own side menu to maximize the enjoyment of beer. Therefore, the bar is considering product development and product replacement based on customer needs and is committed to providing services that meet the demand.
The most important part of brewing, he says, is cleaning.
He spends more time preparing and cleaning up than he does preparing. This is the key to good beer, and we were told that sanitation is more important than coffee management, as they use hot water and cleaning solutions to clean the beer. After the beer is boiled, it is cooled, and bacteria are produced during this process. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the beer as sterile as possible.
Next, focusing on the external environment, he told us about Heal Soul’s clientele. 60% of them are male, and many of them are in their 40s. Half of the customers come from Nishinomiya City. Currently, Heal Soul only uses Instagram to communicate information about the store, and they like the fact that it is the platform closest to the customers and provides them with the latest information quickly. They also want to make there a place where people can casually visit, so they feel that SNS, which has a high usage rate among Generation Z, would be the most appropriate means of communication.
Heal Soul not only manages the store, but also participates in various outside events. We would like to introduce some of these activities. First is the Nishinomiya Saka Gura Renaissance and Food Fair. Heal Soul was very inspired by this event, which was attended by many famous sake breweries in the Hanshin area, as well as other sake makers. “Through this event, we wanted to establish a new genre of alcoholic beverages,” Yamamoto said, “while inheriting the passion for sake and the alcoholic beverages of Nishinomiya’s predecessors.” At the same time, he added, “Our goal is to establish a brand of beer that will be recognized and supported as one of Nishinomiya’s specialties.” As if to back up his words, they are also exhibiting their products at Hometown Tax Donation System. They are selling a set of three standard beers for 10,000 yen, which is a regular item in their stores. Another collaboration beer was developed using figs from Matsumoto Farm, a fig farmer in Nishinomiya City, and was sold not only in stores but also at Hankyu Nishinomiya Marche.
Yamamoto says that the success of these events and the opening of the bar was due in part to the cooperation of the company’s coffee business. They also helped convert the kitchen car they were managing to sell beer, provided training in Taiwan and the U.S., and even assisted with the opening of the bar. It is a pleasure to see that the two companies, although in different businesses, can cooperate with each other within the same organization.
“Heal Soul” has a short history but is making a name for itself in the community. He concluded by saying that he would continue to run the business with close ties to the community, with the goal of making this place a place where people of all ages can stop by casually, and to have craft beer recognized as one of Nishinomiya’s specialties.
Heal Soul is always posting information on Instagram, so if you are interested, be sure to check it out.